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Wouter Tromp
At the beginning of 2019, Wouter founded DeGezichtskliniek. DeGezichtskliniek is an ambitious boutique clinic in Amsterdam, Utrecht and Rotterdam with the aim of making cosmetic care in the Netherlands accessible and affordable.
In the ever-growing market of cosmetic medicine, it is not always clear to the consumer what different treatments are possible and what results they give. Wouter believes it is important that a clear explanation is given during every consultation or treatment and that any alternatives to cosmetic treatment are also discussed.
In addition, the set-up in the clinic is small-scale so that there is a lot of time for personal attention for the patient at each appointment. In this way, together with the doctor, it is possible to look at the specific wishes and the treatment options to achieve the best (cosmetic) result.
An additional advantage of the small scale of DeGezichtskliniek is that the prices of the cosmetic treatments can be kept attractively low. Despite the fact that the prices of DeGezichtskliniek are often lower than average, the same quality brands are used for the filler and botox treatments as at the much more expensive clinics.
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